Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Character Collage: Kori Kitzler

The images in this collage reflect Serena's best friend, Kori Kitzler. The poem "To My Haters" could easily have been written by her as people are always stopping and staring and talking about her. She has her own style and could care less if anyone else has anything to say about it. Tough and hard, she is honest. Or is she? Her best friend Serena, thinks so. But her best friend, with those beautiful blue eyes would probably believe anything she told her. That's why she has to be careful. She wants what is best for Serena, she wants her to meet a good guy who won't use her. And Kori knows a lot about that. She's had quite a few bad boys in her life, but as the sign above her says: "Love Rd. One Way."

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